One Month On – £5,168.90 raised :)

Hi All,

You thought you’d seen the last of this blog, but I thought it worth providing a quick few bullet points to update on how things have gone in the one month and one week since the Marathon.

Firstly another MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone for your kind kind kind sponsorship. Things have definitely tailed off now so the grand total, including gift aid, was (drumroll):


Which is really amazing – and to know that out of every £10 raised, £9.65  goes directly to Ambitious About Autism is absolutely lovely (Virgin Money Giving fees breakdown here). And I believe that I am the biggest fundraiser from my team of 25 where together we raised £45,500 so well done all of you!

A few notes about the month since the Marathon.

  • I’ve run 23 miles since the Marathon. Not bad but considering that in the month of March I ran 70 miles, that’s a bit paltry.
  • However the runs I am doing are more local and interesting – no longer do I need to drive to find “long and flat” runs to mimic London conditions. I get my trainers on, run out of the door and do some loops around my locality. Lots of hills, lots of woods but some interesting scenery. Nice.
  • The world has closed in on me a little bit. Where during training I would have at least 4-6 hours per week just to run, this month business got crazy again and I also need to devote time to family and friends which is great. I’m sort of catching up with life a bit, having a few beers, eating food etc 🙂 But I do need to find the balance as I am slipping back into old ways again… Even if I aim for 40 miles a month and 60 hours work a week, that would be a good balance right now…
  • Will definitely enter for a 1/2 Marathon for September or thereabouts. Need a goal…
  • And cycling – I am now looking at road bikes so biking to work will be an option soon.
  • Lastly, I’m looking into becoming a qualified running coach by doing the Leadership In Running Fitness course and going the same way as I went with footy by starting a small inclusive running group locally for kids with special needs and their siblings, parents etc. Watch this space.

So basically all good and the sponsorship total is excellent – thanks again.

I’ll update again in about six months, or sooner if I have anything vaguely interesting to say 🙂

Peace and love, Andy xx